Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Angkor What?: Went There, Did That, But Didn't Get the T-shirt


Last night after my massage, I went out looking for something to eat and somehow the restaurant that looked the most appealing to me was called Fiesta! and yes, it was "Mexican" food. I put Mexican in quotes because in most of the world you can't really get anything truly resembling Mexican food at all.  It was about what I expected, though I have to add that it wasn't any worse than "Mexican" food I had in London or Paris. 

Across the street was a bar called Angkor What? that had a kind of clean-dirty theme; fairly dark with dark yellow walls covered in graffiti by customers, ranging from names to countries to insults to declarations of love, and naturally, profanities.  It was cool though, and they were playing surprisingly good music, including a lot of punk, which I always forget that I really do like, so I grabbed a beer and started doodling on a wall in between a heart with S + M written inside and scrawlings about a trip by some Aussies.  After writing several bits of nonsense, I noticed how cool the bar shirts were and considered buying one until I saw the sign that said that you got one free if you bought two jugs (which are pails of mixed alcoholic drinks, like rum and coke, with about 4-5 servings in them).  I briefly considered this but I didn't want to get drunk, and I couldn't morally buy a shirt when I could get it for free if I bought alcohol- that just goes against everything I believe in, in life.  So I left, shirtless save for my plain v-neck shirt, a bit disappointed I hadn't gone out there previously to get the shirt.  Oh well.

The next morning, at 7 a.m. I caught a van which took me to a bus, which took me to another bus and, after several stops and five bumpy hours, I was in Phnom Penh.  I found a guesthouse with WiFi, checked in and chilled out there for the rest of the day.

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