Tuesday, April 20, 2010



I'd planned to get up and start really doing my touristy stuff today but when I woke up I had a killer headache.  It felt like a combination between a migrane and a hangover but wasn't quite either.  It couldn't be a hangover because I had literally not drank a single drop of alcohol the day before, and it couldn't be a migrane, because as miserable as it was, I didn't have any particular sensitivity to light or sound, and the one time I have had a migrane before, I did have that sensitivity.  I took a couple of Tylenol with codeine and it seemed to help for a while mid-morning, but then the pain returned.  I didn't want to eat anything- just the idea of food sounded terrible, but I considered that with how much Coke Light I've been drinking lately it could be caffeine withdrawal so I went to the balcony and had a Coke Light and a demi baguette of garlic bread.  It didn't help enough and I spent the rest of the day in bed, getting up just once more to eat something for dinner.  I got fried rice, and it was fine, but I still didn't want to eat, so I forced myself to just eat the chicken so I'd at least have some protein.

*I made it to 20,000 words with this post- I wish my book were going this well!

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