Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lazy Day #1


Pretty Hibiscus to distract you from the fact that this entry says absolutely nothing

I did exceptionally little today.  Read quite a lot, screwed around online, worked on writing a bit, but overall, really did nothing of any note, except for finding a bacon-like meat available here that tastes wonderful- imagine teriyaki flavored bacon.  In my defense, for much of the day it was absolutely pouring rain.


  1. Hey! I just started reading your blog. I read all of your entries just now. So where are you going next? And more importantly, when are you coming to new york. Even though our subway is dirty and infested with both homeless people and evangelical preachers, it can get you anywhere in the city you want to go. -Maya

  2. Hope you liked it! I'm in Siem Reap right now, planning on getting back to the U.S. before the end of summer and do a road trip then, obviously including NYC. And the preachers and street performers can be quite entertaining.
