Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lazy Langkawi


Felt like crap today.  Don't really know why, but didn't do much as a result.  Until I started drinking cheap Tiger beer late in the afternoon, I mean.  The hostel I was staying in was very much a social backpackers hostel which is nice every once in a while.  This type of hostel, when it lives up to its reputation, is full of people who are happy, fun, want to be your BFF for one day only, and like to drink.  Again, not something I want all the time, but a fun culture to go in and out of and I hadn't really found one on this trip so far.  Anyway, so I started drinking early, convinced a group of people to play Kings with my awesome Disney Vile Villains cards and eventually our group went out to Sunbar, followed by a rickety little sports bar, then I went swimming with Marius, one of the two Norweigan guys playing Kings with us.  I went in fully clothed, all made up with my dress and everything, though I did take off my shoes.

Picture of Our Island, From the Beach


Beach Day!  Also did some writing, watched The Inbetweeners, a great British show about high school kids in the style of Superbad, and cut my hair (unevenly- it was a little bit long on the right side) when I got bored because everyone was watching football.  Yesterday, I said I was leaving tomorrow.  Today, I said tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. so just last winter, i got bored one day and cut my bangs....hmmm not too good. oh well. i had them fixed. but it was a mess
