Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wandering Around Penang


I didn't do much today, again.  I got up late, changed hostels to stay in the Banana Guesthouse, wandered around looking for an ATM, went into a mosque that was like any other mosque.  At the mosque, though I was rather surprised because they had me put on a long robe and headscarf.  The headscarf is pretty typical, to the point that if I know I'll be going to a lot of mosques I'll usually carry my own, but the robe is strange.  As far as I can remember, I've never been asked to put on a robe before.  What's even stranger is that I was wearing a lot of clothes: sneakers, jeans and a shirt that didn't show my stomach or any cleavage (a boatneck shirt that went all the way up to my neck) and that covered my arms to just above my elbows.  It was very odd but the guy was very nice about it and it wasn't uncomfortable so I didn't mind.

Fort Cornwallis

Building of Some Significance I Don't Remember in Old Penang

Next I walked over to the old British Fort Cornwallis, which was mostly like any other fort but was kind of interesting because it was the original base for the East India Trading Company.  I walked back slowly by the ocean, Old Penang, a Buddhist temple and Little India.  Later I got more forgettable food, ate lots more Apom Manis, talked to a Malay guy who sold real estate, read, worked on writing and talked to some other travelers.

Buddhist Temple

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