Friday, July 16, 2010

China Can't Keep It Up


I had a frustrating day; terrible weather and a museum I really wanted to see (the Chinese Sex Culture Exhibition- the only museum of its type in the country) had apparently been moved to a town 45 minutes away by train, in 2004.  This pissed me off because I'd checked the Rough Guide from 2008, which still had it listed in Shanghai AND I'd checked the Lonely Planet from 2009, which also still had it listed in Shanghai.  So basically, I spent today eating dumplings, wandering through the Pudong area (all corporate area and skyscrapers that aren't as cool up close,) trying to get to a museum and drinking beer.  I did get some of these yummy chili-crayfish things for dinner with several Tsingtaos and I spent the rest of the night writing, drinking even more (hard not to when beer's about the same price as bottled water) and stupidly waiting up for the 2:30 a.m. (Shanghai time) World Cup match of England vs. the U.S.  Secretly, I'm hoping the U.S. loses because then I won't feel any strange guilt for not watching the rest of the games.


I decided not to rush myself today so all I did was get up, check out, buy dumplings and got on my overnight train to Beijing.

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