Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swinging Shanghai

6/6 - 6/8

Didn't do a whole lot for these days.  Rested, read, chilled out.  I also spent a fair amount of time walking along the Bund, a historical art deco waterfront area.  Along the river, I saw my first Mao sculpture, which was pretty cool.  The art deco architecture was awesome and it was particularly interesting to see what, to my eyes at least, was the truly Chinese art deco style.

I also walked all around Nanjing Road, a huge shopping area (with a Sephora, which is always a treat for me) that was quite lovely and over to People's Square, which was a really nice park with several museums in it.

I got a haircut (which included a lovely head, arm and shoulder massage) for about $15 USD including tips, in a really nice salon, and when I left, I was very happy with it.  Within about fifteen minutes however, I realized that it was too short, the guy had screwed up my bangs and it made my face look fat.  It was a good haircut and the guy was very good, but it just didn't work for me so pictures of me will likely be limited until it grows a bit.

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