Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Korean BBQ


I had a slow day today, just wandered around Hongdae, the very cool University area I'm staying in but hadn't had a chance to explore yet and wrote a bit.  At around three o'clock in the afternoon, I realized I was starving.  (My appetite was very strange from the last few days I was in Cambodia through the first few days in Japan so I wasn't eating regularly.)  I didn't want Western-style food so I looked around and when I saw a Korean restaurant with reasonable prices listed outside, I just went in and pointed to the menu and said it was for one person.  Fortunately, it turned out to be Korean BBQ which you grilled at your table to desired doneness.  I grilled mine with garlic and onions and it was delicious, and I was happy to have Korean food I actually liked.  I looked around a bit more and window shopped, finally opening my wallet for a face mask and a really pretty nail polish.

I had a wonderful evening.  It was so chill and luxurious and self-serving.  I bought a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, watched the final episode of Buffy (which, I'd really sadly missed in Australia, where they have it on t.v. and I'd watched from the end of Season Four through the end of the series, except the last episode because I was kind of busy having a life at that point- I suck) and painted my nails and used my Skin Food face mask.  It was fabulous; a bit luxurious, a bit odd, seeing as I was in a hostel, but above all, wonderful.

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