Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Secret Gardens of Cherry Blossoms


One of the very few touristy things I'd decided I wanted to do in South Korea was to see Changdeok Palace, which is a UNESCO World Hertiage site (though at the rate they designate those, I think my pinky fingernail is next, so that doesn't mean much).  It was really pretty and especially since it was the first Northern Asian palace I'd seen, it felt like it was really exotic.

There was a secret garden in the back that was very nice, but I thought it was a bit overrated.  I did really enjoy the cherry blossom trees though- I hadn't thought to think that there might be any in Korea, and they were lovely as they were just in bloom.

At night, I organized a bunch of stuff and solidified some plans, did my laundry and wrote at a cafe with a giant mug of hot chocolate.  The cold really started to suck though, particularly on the walk back to my hostel; it was "only" 43*F but the wind was incredibly strong so the forecast said it felt like 34*F.  Inside my hostel was freezing- I thought I was going to die from hypothermia and had to use two comforters and was still cold before the heater finally kicked in.  It was terrible and made me remember why I want to stay in the sun always.

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