Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another Day of Very Little


Today, I didn't get out much just because I didn't feel like it.  I had ramen again for lunch, wrote a lot and talked to the owner of the hostel for a while.  He was very interesting.  He was born in Japan but had moved to Oakland, California when he was under a year old.  He grew up there and started selling drugs and at some point he was caught and sent to jail for three to five.  He told me he was caught just for selling pot, but with that sentence, especially in Oakland, I don't quite believe him.  Regardless, while he was in, a California law was instituted that any naturalized citizen felon would be deported so he was sent back to Japan.  Imagine being sent back to a country that you've never known and having to start a whole new life.

I asked him how to get to the station since I was so lost yesterday and with his directions, it was about a five minute walk FROM A DIFFERENT STATION, though on the same line, just one more stop.  It pissed me off, but at least I now knew.  He also told me where a 100 yen shop was nearby so I could pick up a few things.  100 yen shops are like dollar stores, but with a much larger variety and much cleaner.  Somehow, they really are similar but yen shops are just much cooler.  Grabbed some chicken for dinner and spent the night writing, fussing about online and watching t.v.

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