Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sad and Slow


I spent today recovering from my nuclear particle collision speed in Japan by reading "Shadow of the Wind."  It's a wonderful book so far, but I had to put it down at one point just because it was so sad.  In fact, all the books I've read recently that have been really good have been sad.  Between that and all the sad sights I've seen, I have to wonder if I'm being masochistic, but I don't feel sad or hurty overall?  Also, it seems like Spanish and South American authors in general tend to write very depressing books, I wonder why that is, and why that makes me like them- because they understand pain and sadness? 

The city is drowning today, so I only went outside once to get food, which was forgettable.  I'd planned on changing hostels to a cheaper place, but they had a dorm bed available here for the same price, and searching for a random building in the rain sounded terrible, so I'm staying here. I did buy a bar of chocolate and milk, which I successfully combined into really yummy hot chocolate, so I'm counting that as my achievement for the day.

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